The School Day
Start and end times for September 2024
To assist in easing congestion both with traffic and the number of people on site at any one time, we stagger the start times between Key Stage one and Key Stage two. We also want to avoid a clash with the high school times.
Arriving at School
Parents and children should use the side gate into the playground when dropping off or collecting children from school. The main entrance is used when visiting the school during the day.
Year 1 children are dropped through the green gates at the front of school.
Morning drop off times
8.20am – 8.30am Reception and Key Stage 1
The school gates will open at 8.20am. The classroom doors will close at 8.30am. If you arrive after 8.30am you will have missed the register and will need to enter school via the school office to register your child.
8.30am – 8.40am Key Stage 2
The classroom doors and school gate will close at 8.40am. If you arrive after 8.40am you will have missed the register and will need to enter school via the school office to register your child.
School Layby
We would encourage families to use the drop facility via the school layby wherever possible and for older siblings to take their younger siblings to their class before going to their class entrance. We will make sure that a member of staff continues to monitor the layby and gate. There is strictly no parking in this layby until after 8.40am. The lay-by is blocked off in the afternoon and is not available for use.
The school gate will be locked at 8.45am, so please ensure you have left the playground by then.
Arriving Late
After 8.30am (Rec and KS1) / 8.40am (KS2) the classroom doors will close and pupils arriving late should come through the main doors to the school office where parents need to report a reason for being late which will be recorded by a member of the office staff.
End of school day times
3.00pm Reception and Key Stage 1
3.10pm Key Stage 2
Our older children are encouraged to arrange a meeting place outside school to reduce the number of parents on the school grounds.
Travelling to and from school independently
Walking to School
We encourage all families to walk to school whenever possible because of the health and social development this promotes. Please consider this as an option; it is healthier, more social and eases congestion. We encourage Key Stage 2 children to walk to school independently if parents feel it is safe to do so.
Cycling to school
In Year 5 & 6 children participate in the Bikeability cycle safety scheme. All children cycling to school must wear an approved cycle helmet.
Some children come to school on their scooters. Please make sure they get off them at the school gate and do not ride them on the school grounds.
Home time
Class Teachers need to know if anyone different from usual is meeting your child. Please notify the school if you are delayed and your child will be kept in school awaiting your arrival.
School Assemblies
The children have an assembly each day in school. These vary from a full school assembly in the hall to individual class assemblies in the classroom. There is also a weekly singing assembly for the whole school
Each Friday we have a celebration assembly, celebrating all the learning for the week, Times Tables Champions, Spelling Shed and AR awards. We send out ‘Above and Beyond Alerts’ as emails/Tapestry notifications as and when they occur. This means we can send them on all the times a child exceeds expectations. Below is a picture of the award so that you can see what it will look like and you will know it is not spam!!