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Bewdley Primary School - Parent Teachers Friends' Association

The PTFA is a group of volunteers that help the school with organising and managing events to raise funds. We are a charity and therefore, our committee consists of a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer to meet those legal requirements.

Our contributions are often for things that enhance the life of the school but that can’t always be covered in the school’s standard budget. For example, a new washing machine; or coaches to help reduce payments for educational visits. Our biggest donation in 2023 was towards the new trim trail and play equipment on the school field which all the children in school can access.

Contacting the PTFA

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you can contact the PTFA by emailing

How you can help

We are always in need of volunteers to help run the events that the PTFA are involved in. This could be as little as a few hours of your time at an event, helping to set an event up, or as much as managing the event itself. It’s entirely your decision.

Each year we have the Halloween Disco, the Christmas Extravaganza, film nights, Mother's Day shop, Father's Day shop, Easter activities and the summer fair.

There are also lots of roles to do behind the scenes if that’s more your fancy.

Please come to our meetings to find out more or feel free to speak to anyone of us. We always welcome new members.

We also appreciate your support by turning up to the events!


Meetings are held on an as-needed basis on Monday evenings at 19:30, usually in the Great Western pub (DY12 1BY) or in the BPS Hub (new wooden building in the school playground).

You can find the latest meeting dates on Facebook via the Bewdley Primary School PTFA group or the school newsletter.


You are automatically a member of the PTFA if you are a teacher at BPS or your children attend BPS. If you wish to take on a more active role, please come to our meetings to find out more about how you can help.

PTFA Committee

Name Role
Lisa Dangerfield Chair
Mike Tranter Vice-Chair
Lisa Derrington Treasurer
Katie Sinclair Secretary