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Home Learning

In Year Five, the homework will be as follows:


The expectation is that the children in Year Five increase their reading stamina in terms of how much they are reading. Children will read for 15 - 20 minutes every evening. 


Every week the children will learn a list of spellings that follow the pattern that they have learned. Alongside these spellings, children will learn Spelling Bee words which are taken from the Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling list. Both of these spelling lists are available for children to practice on Spelling Shed. 


Differentiated maths home learning tasks are set weekly by the teacher on an online learning platform called Freckle. Freckle also provides the children an opportunity to practice a range of maths skills independently. There is a times table focus each week and playing TTRS supports this important skill. 


During each topic, children will be given a project linked to the topic theme. They will be given some possible ideas, but this home learning is very much pupil led allowing children to be creative, play to their strengths and present work in a way that best suits them.