Book Week 2024

We closed our Book Week celebrations with the first ever Big BPS Book Quiz! We are quite the competitive bunch at BPS and the children were very enthusiastic throughout the competition.
There were points available for all of the book-based questions but also Values Points available for positivity and respect.
We held our Key Stage One quiz this morning which left three houses on the exact same score so we hoped that the points added on by Key Stage Two in the afternoon would give us a clear winner. Well, when all points were added together, we had two houses tied on 55 points and two houses tied on 53!
After a very tense tie-break question, (How many copies have been sold worldwide of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone?) we can announce that Blackstone were the winners of The Big BPS Book Quiz, very closely followed by Hawkbatch in 2nd, Wyre in 3rd and Severn in 4th!
(For those of you about to head to Google, the answer to the tie-break question is 120 million!)