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Below you can see the latest news from Bewdley Primary School

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  • 14/10/24

    Yr 6 - history topic

    The children in Year 6 became historians, using primary sources in order to find out key information about the life of local World War One hero Jack Bishop. They then used their findings to create a scrapbook page that told the story of his remarkable short life and unfortunate death.
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  • 14/10/24

    Yr 5 Birmingham Synagogue Trip

    Year 5 brought all of their lessons in Judaism to an exciting close by visiting Birmingham Progressive Synagogue last week. Having already learnt a lot about this religion, the children were prepared with well-thought out questions which were praised by the chairman of the synagogue. They enjoyed se...
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  • 29/04/24

    Yr 6 Mosque Visit

    Last week, Year Six visited the Birmingham Central Mosque as part of their 'Belonging' topic. The children were incredibly respectful and represented BPS brilliantly. It was fantastic for them to have first-hand experience of the learning about the Islamic faith that we have been covering in...
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  • 29/04/24

    Year 5 Science

    Year 5 completed a very special mission in their recent science lesson! Using their knowledge of solids, liquids and gases, they were set the challenge of uncovering what was contaminating a sample of 'river' water. To aid this, they were given a range of equipment along with a few red herri...
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  • 29/04/24

    Health and Safety Talk

    Thank you to Norman and Buzz from Speller Metcalfe Malvern Limited who came into school last week to talk to Years 1-4 about health and safety. Look out for the poster competition that children took home.
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  • 29/04/24

    Book Week 2024

    We closed our Book Week celebrations with the first ever Big BPS Book Quiz! We are quite the competitive bunch at BPS and the children were very enthusiastic throughout the competition. There were points available for all of the book-based questions but also Values Points available for positivity...
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  • 29/04/24

    Dance Club

    A group from Year 3 and 4 worked extremely hard on their dance routine during their club last half-term. They had the opportunity to perform their routine, to music from Six the musical, in front of many other schools at Baxter College as part of a dance festival. The children were absolutely o...
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  • 29/04/24

    Easter Bonnet Parade

    Thank you so much to everyone who came to support this years Easter Bonnet Parade at the end of last half term. The children all looked fabulous!
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  • 21/03/24

    Yr 6 Theatre Visit

    Year 6 were incredibly lucky to visit Malvern Theatres earlier this week to see the brand-new production of their End of the Day Book, 'The Boy at the Back of the Class'.  The book focuses on a refugee child living in the UK and really adds to the children's current topic, J...
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  • 04/03/24

    Yr 6 Ancient Egypt Topic

    As part of their work on the Ancient Egyptians, Year Six have been learning about the process of mummification - by mummifying a mackerel! They followed the process that would have been carried out on the ancient Egyptian pharaohs after their death, and the mackerel are now busy mummifying in their...
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  • 27/02/24

    Houses of Parliament Trip

    Our School Councillors, House Captains and 10 lucky competition winners visited London, for a unique tour of Westminster Palace, better known as the Houses of Parliament. They visited the House of Lords in the public gallery while it was in session and then went on to the House of Commons to...
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  • 27/02/24

    Blue Peter Badge achievement

    Congratulations to Alyssa (Y6), Ava (Y5), Lucy and Layla (Y4) from the girls football team who recently received their Blue Peter Badge for getting involved in a new sport. What a wonderful achievement!
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